Living plants with known origins are very valuable when plants are to be described and the characteristics of various species investigated. The Botanical Garden has extensive collections of living plants that are used by researchers.
At least 100 different species and cultivated forms of this classical potted plant can be seen in our Begonia section.
Bulbs and tubers
We have specialised in bulbs and tubers for a long time. Currently we have one of the finest collections in the world.
Easter Island tree
The only place where this tree, rarest in the world, had its natural habitat was Easter Island. Now it is extinct there.
The Dionysia family
Dionysia are small cushion-plants of the primula family that have adapted themselves to living on vertical cliff faces and in the mouths of caves.
Tropical orchids
Botaniska has the most extensive collection of tropical orchids in Sweden, with its approximately 700 species and cultivated forms.
A herbarium is an archive with dried botanical materials. Botaniska's herbarium was transferred to the University of Gothenburg in 1961.
Seed exchange
Botaniska exchanges seeds with other botanical gardens in the world. The aims of this exchange are scientific, pedagogical and for the conservation of nature.