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The Garden

The cultivated part of the garden is 20 hectars and here grow 20,000 different species and cultivars from more than 130 countries. The arboretum with a large collection of trees is 55 hektar and situated in the natur reserve Änggårdsbergen.

New glasshouses and visitor centre are beeing built and will open 2028. In the meantime the old ones are closes.

Read more about the new glasshouses



Garden Explorer

Explore our plant collection by searching for your plant of interest by its common or scientific name. Perhaps you are interested in a special part of the garden? Use the map feature to search for its location.

entrance view of pond


Gothenburg's Botanical Garden is one of the largest in Europe. The total area is 175 hectares (about 432 acres). Explore the different parts of the garden.

Updated: 2023-12-21 16:46