Opening hours and contact
Shop opening hours
October - March, 12 am - 4 pm
April - September, 10 am - 6 pm
The shop is closed 24 and 31 December
Phone: +46 (0)10 473 77 77
Fax: +46 (0)10 473 77 47
The Shop is open daily and here you can buy brochures, maps, books, souvenirs, plants and quality garden tools. A wheel chair is available without charge.
Shop and information
You find the shop and visitors centre directly on your left when you enter Gothenburg Botanical Garden.
Service och tillgänglighet
Heart starter
In case of an emergency, there is a defibrillator ready for use. Ask our staff for help. More information: hjärtstartarregistret.se
We have a wheelchair you can borrow, april - october. Please book in advance +46(0)10 473 77 77
Unfortunately we cannot store your luggage during your visit.
Visitor's centre
Upstairs is our visitor's centre where you can find information about the Botanical Garden, maps and much more. Or just relax with a cup of coffee or tea.
The restaurant is situated about 5 minutes walk from the main entrance along the main road. For opening hours please visit: