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Children & Education

barnhänder med solros

The School Garden is intended to be an inspiration for pupils and teachers from schools and preschools in our region. We gather together pupils of all ages under the great old apple tree to tell them about plants and how to grow things. We also talk about composting and nature’s life cycles.

A classroom for all school subjects

Every year, about ten classes turn up here to grow and harvest vegetables and root vegetables in our cultivation boxes. One cultivation box has been specially adapted so that all visitors regarding of ability can take part. Rows of radishes, carrots, rocket and onions get on well together with marigolds and nasturtiums. We also grow squash, maize, beans and other wholesome crops along the fence in the background.

Many school subjects are suitable for teaching out-of-doors, and there is plenty of space for everyone here. Pupils with vary-ing movement or learning disabilities have every opportunity to bloom and grow here!

Did you know?

Using nature and a garden as a classroom is an excellent way of basing teaching on live experience. Pupils learn quickly and remember facts better while enjoying the hands-on work approach.

Botaniska holds lessons every year for over 10,000 pupils. Some take place here in our School Garden and others in other parts of the Botanical Garden.

We give the teachers in our region further education in outdoor learning.

Outdoor education

Read more about our outdoor education

Learning outdoors at Botaniska

Updated: 2017-03-21 10:37